Abused to Abundant: Confidence Coach Isabell Rodriguez's Story

From losing her father when she was only a year old and suffering abuse as a young girl, to spending time in a women’s shelter, developing an eating disorder and being diagnosed with bipolar disease, Isabell Rodriguez has risen from the ashes and re-created her life as a confidence coach and powerful inspiration.
Issy starred in a documentary film about abuse and its affect on children later on in life which which had a film crew following her around for five years. Today on the show she shares about how that experience acted as a catalyst for real change in her life, and she shares how being a new mother is continuing to teach her new lessons on her path to becoming the best version of herself. You will not want to miss this episode!
Issy offers online programs and retreats here in Costa Rica.
About Issy:
One of Sweden´s Top Coaches and Scandinavia's #1 Women's Confidence Coach
Growing up, Isabell lost her father at an early age. She was sexually abused at the age of five. Later in life, she got physically and mentally abused by her stepfather. With her mother, she lived in women shelters, and from there she had to rebuild her whole life from scratch.
It led to a down spiral of self-destructive behavior, insecurities and low self-esteem, and she fell right in the same footsteps as her mother.
Later on, she fell in love with a guy who abused her and put her down even more. The consequences of her traumas led to anorexia and bulimia, which nearly killed her.
Today she travels the world to motivate and help women overcome their traumas and unlock their true potential.
With her "Rebuild Your Life Program" she has helped thousands of women heal and achieve their goals in life.
Isabell is known for her focus on service, connection, contribution and leadership. These are the few reasons why she is one of the most sought-after women coaches alive today.
Things to promote: rebuild your life program and the Mastering The Feminine Power Mastermind retreat
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