Whoa! We happened upon a real winner this morning. Here in the Pearson-Mora house, we have recently acquired another juicer. A Breville to be exact, the same kind I've used for years, and the exact same model you see Joe Corss whipping up his jugos in the rad documentary Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead.
Ever since I returned to Costa Rica after a short visit to Canada, I have been on a real clean-eating streak; lots of juices, fresh local fruits and veggies, and next to no animal products, cheese included. It just feels good to clear the slate a bit, after enjoying copious amounts of yummy wine, Manchego, and chocolate, you know?
And, I am trying to drag hubby along for the ride, by sneaking pounds of greens into him every morning as the sun rises and he pounds away making pan (bread in Spanish) for our bakery here in the jungle. Today we were running low on veggies, so I was forced to create a concoction using whatever was left in the bottom of the crisper. Perhaps I should have titled this post "Had No Choice Jalapeño Jugo". Ha!
The cucumber is great for hydration and a source of silica that is helpful in bone health, and the lemon and celery are both very alkalizing to the body. Apio (celery) as also a natural source of sodium (important too, in maintaining proper hydration). The other stuff I tossed into this juice are all good for your health as well, but honestly I added them because I thought they'd be tasty.
At any rate, this is the recipe, and it was super rad. I could bottle this shit (but won't, 'cause I already have too many businesses, en serio). Try to get organic where you can here, friends, especially up there in the northern hemisphere where everything is sprayed and spoiled with chemicals all too often. Thanks.
Jalapeño Happy Green Juice
serves - 2
2 field cucumbers (with peel)
6 stalks celery
1/2 jalapeño, seeded
1 lemon, peeled
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
1 cup fresh pinepple
Feed all ingredients through your juicer, adding the cilantro along with the pineapple to help get it broken down. Stir, pour into 2 glasses, clink, smile, drink.